How to install Sims 5 Mods
Only a few easy steps and you will know how to install Sims 5 Mods on your computer, keep reading! Open up the Downloads folder and then right-click on what you’ve just downloaded. If you’re using WinRar application, you should see an icon that looks like a stack of books. Once clicked, it will give you an option that says, “Extract to (mod name)”. The file will then be extracted into a folder.
Open up the folder and check everything that has been downloaded inside. Usually, you’ll just see files that end with .package. This is the file-type specifically used for Sims 5 mods and custom content. You might see some other file types too. Some creators include images of their CC or .txt (“read me”) files. These files can be safely discarded. If you can see file types ending in .ts5script, .bpi, .blueprint or .trayitem – no worries, these are also Sims 5 file types, and you will find out how to install those below as well. Make sure not to delete them! You’re almost there, keep reading to learn how to install Sims 5 Mods.
First, highlight (use your cursor to draw a box around) the .package files you have in the folder. Secondly, right-click on them and select “cut”. Now, navigate to your Sims 5 Mods folder.
To complete this step, go to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 5 > Mods. Once you’re in that folder, simply right-click anywhere in the folder and select “Paste.” You should see the .package files you’ve downloaded appearing in the folder!
When you start up your game, the mod or CC you’ve installed should be there and working perfectly! Congratulations, now you know how to install Sims 5 Mod.
How to install Sims 5 House / Lots Mods
In this chapter, you will learn how to install Sims 5 Lots Mods and move your game to the next level!
Any houses or any venues in the game that your Sims can visit are called – lots. You can also download custom lots to add to your game on various Sims CC websites.
Installing and downloading lots is simply the same process as we have introduced above, except you place these files in a different place in your Sims 5 folder.
Follow all the instructions discussed above to learn how to install Sims 5 House Mods, but once you extract your files, paste them into Documents > Electronics Arts > The Sims 5 > Tray. It’s important to keep in mind – any downloaded file that ends in .bpi, .blueprint or .trayitem belongs in the Tray folder ONLY.
When you open up your Sims game, you’ll need to go to the Gallery (you will find an icon of the photos in the top right corner), then click on My Library. There, you’ll find the lot you’ve downloaded, so now you know how to install Sims 5 House Mod as well.
If the lot also included custom content, you will need to know additionally how to install Sims 5 Lots Mods with such customization. The only thing you need to do – make sure you click on the Advanced option in the Gallery and tick “Include Custom Content” for the lot to show up. Now you can place the lot somewhere in your game!
How to install Sims 5 Script Mods
Since you’re wondering how to install Sims 5 Script Mods, first, let us explain what kind of mods they are. Script mods are the ones which change and add-on to the scripting of the game. Things like custom careers, custom animations/interactions. Very popular mods like McCommand Center and WickedWhims are also known as script mods.
You may have a rough idea on how to install Sims 5 Script Mods. Installing script mods is once again, pretty similar to installing the other mods discussed above, but the main difference, however, is that the file type ends in .ts5script. For this kind of mods, you’ll still put them into your Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 5 > Mods folder, but it’s also important to ensure in your game settings that you have your Script Mods enabled.
To complete this step, click on the Menu (you will see the three buttons on the top right corner), Game Options, Other, and then tick the button “Script Mods Allowed”. You’ll see a warning about script mods, don’t worry about that. Click OK, Apply Changes, then make sure to restart your game.
Your script mod will then be working the next time you play! Congratulations, now, you know how to install Sims 5 Script Mod and you’re ready to spruce up your Sims game.